Pon has taken a number of precautionary measures in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) and is closely monitoring the situation. Pon’s primary focus is to ensure the health and safety of our employees and business partners, and to mitigate the risk of spreading the virus.
The following measures apply to all Pon Cat staff, visitors and facilities including field workers, warehouse, workshops and offices.
The procedures are based on guidelines provided by Health Authorities, Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Pon Holding.
Visitors must confirm that they are not likely to carry the virus by answering a questionnaire prior to their visit or when entering the reception area.
All facility entrances will have hand disinfection available and posters with hand hygiene recommendations to prevent virus transmission
Separate facilities have been provided for truck drivers.
Extensive use of home office
Extended measures have been implemented regarding personal- and on-site hygiene.
Extended measures have been implemented to ensure physical separation between employees in the cantina and workplace in general
Strict restrictions have been put on travelling, receiving visitors and attending face to face meetings
Employees in quarantine are required to stay away from offices and other employees according to the Pon guidelines and the recommendation by the Health Authorities.
Updated information is made available to all employees on the Pon intranet and via SMS/messaging
Employees with health complaints are kept at home according to Health Authority guidelines as a precaution.
Orders outside the Netherlands & Norway are scheduled after April 6 or according to the latest instructions.
Employees abroad are brought back to the Netherlands & Norway.
Employees do not participate in group consultations or meetings.
Employees keep at least 1.5 meters away from others.
Employees will limit (customer) contact as much as possible to what is necessary.
Employees have the right to act according to the 'step back' principle when in doubt.
For ships and mobile manned installations, the three previous mooring or departure locations must be submitted in writing.
Pon is taking measures to ensure continuity in deliveries and support to all our customers. However, the situation can have an effect on the employability of service technicians, both during regular working hours and during breakdown service.
Pon is continuously evaluating and implementing appropriate risk mitigation measures.
Pon expects that our business partners have implemented similar measures to mitigate virus transmission. Pon will respect and follow such measures, just as Pon expects our business partners to follow our measures when dealing with our employees and visiting our facilities.
Above procedures are valid as long as the Health Authorities advise special precautions.
Sincerely ,
Pon Power
Pon Equipment
During office hours available from 08.00 - 18.00.
We will get in contact within 24 hours.
Please fill the form below and I will contact you as soon as possible.